
代表取締役会長 兼 社長 大江 匡 |

R&D企画部・知的財産部 担当
辻村 英雄
また、水や原料の枯渇問題さらには少子高齢化による国内市場の縮小とPB(Private Brand)の台頭による価格競争の激化も大きな課題として存在しています。
イノベーションは異能の知の結合から生じます。サントリー商品開発センターのコンセプトは「オープンコミュニケーション & コラボレーション」であり、無柱空間のオフィスやラボというハード面での工夫もさることながら、ワイガヤ論議の「場」作りというソフト面での取り組みを推進しています。商品開発センターは、「新鮮」、「驚き」、「感動」創造劇場であるということをもう一度、胸に刻み挑戦したいと強く思っています。 |

弊社が、建築設計・監理を担当させていただき、2004年10月にオープンしました。本プロジェクトでは、多様化するマーケットニーズに答えるためのワークプロセスの最適化を模索し、それを実現するべく様々な仕組みが採用されました。開発企業の持続的な発展を可能にするファシリティモデルのひとつであると考えています。 |
所在地:神奈川県川崎市 規模:地上2階
設計期間:2003年4月 〜 2003年9月
施工期間:2003年11月 〜 2004年10月
敷地面積:27,256m² 建築面積:7,974m²
延床面積:13,642m² |

研究所や開発センターといった施設においては、大学の研究室のような、ラボ機能に特化したスペースとなり、研究者の視点をベースにした計画となりがちです。 しかし、本施設では、業務のメイン機能であるラボスペース、オフィススペースをそれぞれ約100x20メートルの無柱空間として、マーケットの変化による流動的なプロジェクトを吸収できる仕組みをつくりました。これにより、組織編成の変更にも柔軟に対応でき、各事業のグループ間のシナジー効果も期待できます。 |

実際に商品を開発する上では、企画、デザイナー、研究者、営業など多くの専門家とのコミュニケーションとコラボレーションを必要とします。当センターはアイデアの発生からそれを具体的な商品へと展開していく複合的なスペースを具体化しました。 |
「高付加価値」で「スピーディ」な商品開発を実現する工夫 |
吹抜けを介して1階ラボラトリーの様子を見ることができる |
また、吹抜けは、ラボラトリーとオフィスを最短でつなぐ移動空間としての役割もあります。部署ごとのラボとオフィスは階をはさんで平面上のほぼ同じ位置に設けられており、移動に費やす時間を最小限としています。そのため、開発業務へ充てる時間を増やすことができ、よりスピーディな開発を行う事ができます。 |
オフィス横の通路スペース「ナレッジサポートエリア」で気軽にコンセプトワークや試作品の評価を行うオフ・コミュニケーションを始めとして、セミナーや討論会の発表者(研究者)が主役になる劇場型のホール。それからいつもと目線の高さを変えて打合せができるTATAMI ROOMなど。これらのバラエティ豊かな空間は、サントリーの「ワイガヤ(ワイワイガヤガヤ議論すること)」の伝統を反映しています。 |
ナレッジサポートエリア |
劇場型のホール |
サントリー商品開発センターでは、実際に高付加価値商品の開発の成果を上げています。大ヒット缶チューハイ「-196℃」は、ここで生まれた商品で、飲料部門における技術をチューハイに活かした、まさにコミュニケーション&コラボレーションの賜物です。 |
ここからは、プランテックグループによる最新のトピックをご紹介します。 |
擁翠園内 アークレイ株式会社 研究所
「思考」 ←→ 「実践」がタイムレスに行える環境を構築
2010年12月に竣工しました。研究開発機能の他、研修ラボ・宿泊施設・迎賓機能を有しています。 研究開発のオフィスエリアと実験エリアを同フロアに配置することで、「思考←→実践がすぐに移行できる環境」と「研究開発のオフィスエリアから実験状況を常に把握できる環境」を実現しています。 |
グローバルSCM(Supply Chain Management)
日本企業の資材調達・生産における海外新興市場へのシフトが広がりつつあります。特にTPPに代表されるFTA(自由貿易協定)が世界規模で進展している中、海外間FTAの効果を考慮したグローバルSCMが重要となっています。日本で唯一のグローバルSCMでのFTA活用を支援するプランテックコンサルティングは幅広い領域でお客様の海外進出戦略に大きく貢献しています。 |
有料老人ホーム「グラニー阿佐ヶ谷 改修工事」
既存施設の「居ながらリニューアル」後、空室が完売 |
入居率アップのため、外装とエントランス周りをリニューアルしました。入居者の方にご迷惑をかけずに工事に配慮して、約1.5カ月で企画・設計・施工を行いました。設計監修をプランテック総合計画事務所が行い、高級感とあたたかみをもたせたデザインとしました。結果、工事完了後の内覧会で空室全てが、契約となりました。 |
擁翠園内 アークレイ株式会社 研究所
ドコモショップ八王子駅前店 デジタルサイネージ
自然をテーマにした映像、安らぐ空間づくり |
また、マルチスクリーンによる巨大3D映像、GALAXY Tabでの映像展示も行われています。 |
コンパクトホテル・ファーストキャビン 開業2周年!
ファーストキャビン公式サイトでは、お得にご利用いただける「スペシャルプラン」を発売中。お客様の利用スタイルに合わせたプランをお選びいただけます。first-cabin.jp |
Tadasu Ohe
Celebrating its 26th anniversary this year, the PLANTEC GROUP now consists of seven companies. Over the past 26 years, both Japan and the world have gone through major changes. We are in an age that requires companies to make better decisions and act with greater speed.
PLANTEC has decided to launch this newsletter to offer hints and clues for businesses to respond to the times. It will focus on the solutions that the Group has provided to our clients and highlight our track record.
In this special inaugural issue, we cover ways of quickly and accurately reflecting market needs in product development by taking a look at the Suntory Products Development Center, which we were responsible for designing and supervising from 2003 to 2004.
We are committed to providing you with useful information.
Thank you for reading!

Hideo Tsujimura
Managing Executive Officer
Chief Operating Officer R&D Planning Division and Intellectual Property Department
Suntory Holdings Limited
The environment surrounding the food and liquor industries changes frequently and at a blinding pace. Customer interest in safety and the environment is rapidly increasing, and it is unlikely that companies that are unable to guarantee safety or that are inconsiderate of the environment will survive in the future. Other significant issues facing the industries include depletion of water and basic ingredients, shrinking of the domestic market due to the low birthrate and aging population, and increasingly intense price competition resulting from the rise of private brands.
In the midst of these circumstances, the Suntory R&D Division aims to achieve further growth through the creation of distinctive premium brands that go over well both in Japan and other countries by focusing on the basics of safety, good taste and packaging, health and the environment to thoroughly refine existing brands.
Creating new brands is also an important mission of the R&D Division, and we are aggressively pursuing innovation in keeping with the "Yatteminahare!" ("Go for it!") spirit that has been in place since the founding of the company.
Innovation is born when knowledge from different domains comes together. The concept of the Suntory Products Development Center is "Open Communication & Collaboration." On top of the astylar physical design of the offices and labs, we are promoting human activities to create a place conducive to "WaiGaya" (lively) discussions. I would like to once again engrave in our minds as we move forward the fact that the Products Development Center is a creative theater that is fresh, full of surprises and inspirational.

This project involved the relocation of some of the product development functions for various Suntory drinks from Yamazaki, Kyoto and Mishima-gun, Osaka to central Kawasaki closer to the Tokyo metropolitan market. This area was more suited to city marketing, and the purpose was to create more targeted high value-added products by giving the researchers more opportunities to come in contact with consumer needs.
PLANTEC was in charge of architectural design and supervision, and the facility was opened in October 2004. In this project, we sought to optimize the work process in order to respond to diverse market needs and introduced various mechanisms to make that possible. We believe we came up with a facility model that enables sustainable growth for a development company.
Scope of works: Design and supervision (Structure/equipment: Yasui Architects & Engineers)
Location: Kawasaki City, Kanagawa
Size: Two above-ground floors
Design period: April
Site area: 27,256㎡
Building area: 7,974 ㎡
Total floor area: 13,642 ㎡

At facilities like research institutes and development centers, the space tends to be specialized for lab functions like university labs, and the plans tend to be based on a researcher's perspective. However, at this facility, the main lab and office spaces were each laid out as roughly 100 x 20 meter astylar spaces, creating a system that is capable of flexibly assimilating projects according to changes in the market. This allows for responsive handling of changes in the organization and facilitates synergy between business groups. |

When actually developing products, it is necessary for many experts, including planners, designers, researchers and sales reps to communicate and collaborate with one another. At this center a composite space has been created to bring together everything from the idea forming stage to actual product development. |
Creative approach to enable speedy and high value-added product development
Those in the office can see what is going on at the laboratory on the first floor from the void |
In order to meet consumer needs, it is important to supply various products at a high level of quality and in a speedy manner. At this center, the laboratory space on the first floor and the office space on the second floor are joined by a void. This enables visual contact and provides a sense of unity while also making researcher activities visible, which in turn allows maximum sharing of information—including implicitknowledge—leading to the development of high value-added products as a result.
The void also serves as the shortest route between the laboratories and offices. The laboratory space is located on the lower, the office space on the upper floor, and they are placed roughly in the same position on their respective floors to minimize the time spent moving between them. This allows more time to be spent on development work and enables speedier development.
Theater-style development space stimulates researcher creativity. |
Stimulation and a sense of tension are essential for the creative activities of researchers. Various spaces are provided at this center to motivate the researchers and help them come up with ideas, including the hallway beside the offices called the "Knowledge Support Area" where casual feedback on concept work and prototypes can be obtained, the theater-style hall where seminar and symposium presenters (researchers) take center stage and the tatami room where meetings can be held from a lower perspective. This variety of spaces is a reflection of Suntory's tradition of "WaiGaya" ("lively") discussions. |
Knowledge Support Area |
Theater-style hall |
Tatami room (meeting room) |
The Suntory Products Development Center has yielded positive results in the development of high value-added products. The immensely popular "-196°C" canned shochu-based beverage was created here and is truly a product of communication and collaboration in which the technology of the Beverage Division was utilized in a shochu-based beverage. |
Below please find the latest PLANTEC GROUP Topics. |
ARKRAY, Inc. Research Center in Yousuien
Creating an environment where ideas and actions interact rapidly and freely
This project involved the construction of an R&D facility for a clinical testing system manufacturer in Yousuien, a Japanese garden in Kyoto. Construction was completed in December 2010. In addition to R&D functions, the facility is equipped with a training lab, lodgings and a reception area. Placing the R&D office area and the experiment area on the same floor has created an environment where ideas and actions can interact rapidly and freely and where the status of experiments can constantly be tracked from the R&D office area. |
Global Supply Chain Management (SCM)
The only FTA consulting service in Japan for global SCM
Material procurement and production at Japanese companies is continuing to shift to emerging markets in other countries. Global supply chain management that takes into consideration the effect of free trade agreements with other countries is important, especially as free trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) continue to be negotiated on a global basis. As the only consulting service in Japan to support the utilization of free trade agreements in global supply chain management, Plantec Consulting contributes greatly to the overseas expansion of our customers in a broad range of areas. |
Renovation of Granny Asagaya Retirement Home
Vacant rooms sell out after nonintrusive
renovation of existing facility |
The exterior and entrance area at the facility were renovated to increase the occupancy rate. Planning, design and construction was implemented over a period of about a month and a half, and care was taken so as not to inconvenience the residents. Plantec Architects oversaw the design work to produce a design that was both warm and luxurious. All vacant rooms were sold at the open house following the completion of construction. |
ARKRAY, Inc. Research Center in Yousuien
Installation of air conditioning changeover system |
Ordinarily, the air conditioning for clean rooms and biochemistry labs is separate, but based on a request for temporary clean room conditions to be made available in the lab, we introduced a changeover system. This reversible system has the advantage of reducing construction costs as well as the space taken up by the building. |
Digital Signage at docomo Hachioji
Creation of relaxing space with nature-themed images |
This digital signage installation project was carried out jointly with Olympus Business Creation Corporation using a four-screen multi-display. Renovation of the docomo Hachioji office was implemented together with store and digital signage planning, visual content production and management. The multi-display has been used for huge 3D videos and a visual exhibition of GALAXY Tab. |
2nd Anniversary of Compact Hotel First Cabin!
Special discount plans available now
First Cabin is a compact hotel modeled after the first class section of an airplane. The first location, First Cabin Midosuji-Namba, celebrated its 2nd anniversary in April, while the second location, First Cabin Kyoto-Karasuma, celebrated its 1st anniversary in March. A discounted special plan is available on the official First Cabin website. Customers can choose plans based on their preferred style.
first-cabin.jp/en/ |
東日本大震災について |
被災地の一日も早い復興を心よりお祈り申し上げます。 プランテックグループ一同
topへ |

東京工業大学 名誉教授
和田 章
2011.3.11の福島原子力発電所の地震災害を経験して、自然現象への想像力の必要性を再認識した。 |

(Supply Chain & Facility Risk Evaluation)
プランテックでは、そのサプライチェーンおよび企業のファシリティの抱えるボトルネックとその脆弱性を徹底調査、想定される震災などの複数シナリオに照らし合わせて、どの領域が企業の隘路となるかを評価します。それに基づき、企業としての対策(Contingency Plan)の戦略的対応が可能となり、この情報をもとにBCPを作成することで企業の競合優位性を高めることが可能になります。