This is a project to create a virtual showroom for a building materials manufacturer, Kamijima Chemical Industry Co. The website simulates a portion of various exterior wall and eave materials, allowing users to select products and consider their adoption in the virtual showroom, and realizing their use as a presentation tool in sales and other activities. By switching angles and scenes (day/evening) using approximately 80 different materials, about 850 patterns can be simulated. High-quality material images faithfully reproduced down to the smallest detail were created, and a high level of reality was pursued in details such as the expression of daylight and indoor lighting by day and night, and reflections on glass. The project started with the planning, and included virtual building design, 3DCG production, user interface settings and program control to connect the user with the products and services. KONOSHIMA VIRTUAL SHOW ROOM (Kamijima Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. website)


Purpose of production: For external PR and advertising
Completion: 2023.10
Client: Konoshima Chemical Co.,Ltd.