Plantec has local subsidiaries in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi) and Thailand (Bangkok), and boasts more than 10 years of experience since the start of business in overseas locations.

Based on the high quality of Japanese construction technology, we actively support the overseas expansion of Japanese companies by leveraging our knowledge and experience in various local conditions.

We provide solutions to various management issues faced by our clients, such as facility strategies for overseas bases, branding strategies, and problems with local building regulations, and we also provide solutions that contribute to social issues in countries around the world.

The Value of Plantec with overseas offices

  1. Optimal cost management based on our overseas experience
    Supervision and supervision that minimizes design changes after the selection of the design-builder (general contractor)
    Detailed localization of specifications for delivery and building materials
  2. Superior quality equivalent to that of Japan
    Improvement of employee welfare facilities to a Japanese-quality environment to increase productivity and reduce turnover
  3. Planning based on an understanding of local regulations, including building codes and industrial park regulations and standards
    The only Japanese-affiliated design firm in Thailand with a design license
  4. Proposes optimal solutions that meet local needs, taking into account future vision and cost-effectiveness
    Based on our overseas experience, we verify potential problems in advance and propose appropriate plans after comparing overall layout plans
  5. Mobilization of staff from overseas offices to reduce business trips from Japan and labor costs for Japanese staff
    Higher cost advantage compared to Japanese-affiliated firms and general contractors
  6. Superior proposals through rapid information deployment and sharing of up-to-date information in collaboration with Japan-based Plantec