Takeda Pharmaceutical Shonan Research Center

With the concept “Research and Development Center in the Forest”, the communication corridors named The Broadway were designed to penetrate the research and development buildings from one end to the other. The aim was to provide spaces where cross functional communication among researchers take place casually and proactively, which is becoming essential to induce development of new drugs in these days. Maximum utilization of natural light and solar energy to reduce consumption of electricity, and implementation of header manifold HVAC system for cutting energy loss contribute to lower CO2 emission. As a result of sincere consideration of environment, CASBEE A rank was attained, and this facility was selected by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for one of the model projects promoting CO2 saving. Continuous research and development free from devastating earthquakes is made possible by the safety and durability achieved with one of the world’s largest seismically isolated platforms.
Location: Fujisawa, Kanagawa
Floors: 10 aboveground
Structure: S, partially CFT, Seismic Isolation structure
Design period: April 2007–Dec. 2007
Construction period: June 2009–March 2011
Site area: 250,062 ㎡
Building area: 72,732 ㎡
Total floor area: 310,474 ㎡
The 45th SDA Award
2011 Good Lighting Award
2012 JIA Award / Excellence in Architecture
The 54th BCS Award